Friday, 14 October 2011

Home again, home again.

OK so I won't dwell on the holiday as this is a blog about London. Suffice to say that Dubrovnik was beautiful, weather lovely at first, and we had a great time until the 2nd day when I got violently ill, spent the rest of the time in bed and am still no longer able to look at garlic. Moving on...

I got back to London on Monday having landed in Derby on Sunday. Still a bit wobbly and washed out, I took the night off work sick Monday night, which was a good move as by Tuesday I felt better. Think the initial novelty of living here must be starting to wear off, as I actually allowed myself a day at home without getting itchy feet thinking I should be off out exploring somewhere.

Work this week has been fine - quite quiet with only the mild drama of some works going on outside causing the stalls bar to flood, leaving us with a very squelchy carpet and a lot of customers having to traipse upstairs to get their interval fuel elsewhere.

Bit of a weird moment yesterday in the interval. A American man walked back into the theatre having taken some air outside and I said "Enjoy the second half". He paused and looked at me and said, matter-of-factly: "You have a funny accent." I told him, in a surprised tone, that I was from Kent, near London. He once again informed me "It's funny," and just walked off! Slightly offended.

The other change this week is that big boss is back and has told us we have to start actively selling the programmes and other merchandise. So I had to stand on the front doors last night as everyone was leaving yelling 'Programmes! Merchandise!" and feeling like a complete tit. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work. Only did it because she was watching - I don't expect I'll put myself out quite so much when she's not around!

After work last night we all went out for a birthday. About 20 of us descended on La Tasca at about 10.45pm which I'm sure they loved (it's alright - they were warned in advance). Had a great night though and a good meal. Afterwards, the plan was to go to a salsa club for dancing, but the place was closed! Instead, those among us in the know took us to a theatre bar - ie a 'club' exclusively for people who work in theatre. I have become a lovvie. Apparently it used to be a place where theatre crews and the stars working on the West End came to escape for a quiet drink where they knew they wouldn't be disturbed by autograph hunters. Not quite like that any more - it's a little cheesy and self-important - but still quiet enough to be able to get a seat and have a they played lots of cheesy show tunes which was a hit with our lot!

Weather truly autumnal enough now (finally) to be able to get out the boots and scarf and tights and coat. Hurrah! Went for a wander before work yesterday and sat in Berkely Square feeling satisyingly chilly. Noticed too that some of the Christmas lights have been erected on Oxford Street in preparation... eek!

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